Australian Salmon are a great sports fish and are found in
all of the cooler waters of southern Australia.They grow to a size of up to
6kg but are more common in the 1-2kg range.Tha Salmon are found in schools
along the gutters of all the beaches or are found in groups in deeper water
as well as along the rocky coast line.
Fishing with a 12ft surf rod off the beach and the rod
needs a reasonbly soft tip so you can see the bites.
Line class of 12-15lb is a good start with a 3 oz star sinker and two hooks on a Paternosta rig set up.
If you like to fish off the rocks you can get some good fish.
Best baits are Pippies,Squid,Blue
bait,Pilchards or you can put on a
Salt water fly.